Allison is a Front-end Developer at WebDevStudios, a distributed company that specializes in WordPress development. Originally from Southern California, she currently lives in Toronto. As a result of her own lived experience, Allison is a mental health advocate and wants to create a more open conversation to combat existing stigma and provide additional resources. She loves guacamole, hula hoops, and Dolly Parton (not necessarily in that order) and her favourite flightless bird is the kakapo. @allisonplus
What’s been your best experience with WordPress?
Discovering a whole new pocket of friends and colleagues within the coding world.
Tell us a bit about your WordCamp Halifax talk.
My talk is about how when working within an industry that has the capability for such rapid change, it can often exasperate not taking care of ourselves in ways that affect our mental health negatively. As someone managing my own mental health issues, there’s a fine balance of continued skill building while also avoiding burnout. Often times these issues can feel quite isolating but the truth is, *so many* people are feeling this way.
I’m a strong advocate for more discussion of mental health without judgement so more employees will feel comfortable seeking out appropriate accommodations. Not only will *individual* well-being positively increase, it benefits employers to have boosted productivity and lower absenteeism.
What’s your favourite thing about attending WordCamps?
Experiencing the range of interests, backgrounds and skills of attendees. And stickers. Always stickers.
Recommend one to three people in the WordPress world to follow on social media!
Tracy Apps (@tapps), Carrie Forde (@CarrieForde) and Josepha Haden (@JosephaHaden)
If you could have any superhero power, what would it be?
Either omnilingualism or the ability to ripen an avocado at will to the perfect stage.