WordPress Helps Break Down Barriers for Small Business Owners

Everyday small business owners like you incur a range of expenses that can sometimes break the bank.  Web design, launch, and maintenance doesn’t have to be one of those expenses.  WordPress provides an opportunity to design and launch your own website so that you can maintain creative control, update when needed, and learn a few new skills along the way.  Armed with just some Youtube videos, a notebook, and a pen, I quickly learned how to set up a WordPress website and launch my freelance writing business into the world.  While many people are still afraid of what web development means and requires, WordPress makes it easy for anyone to become their own web developer, and in turn, reduce of the biggest barriers that small business owners face today.  This talk explores how navigating a little discomfort in the beginning to learn how to set up and use a WordPress website can pay dividends throughout the life of your small business.
