Speaker Spotlight – Remy Perona

I am the lead developer of WP Rocket, a popular premium WordPress plugin to optimize the speed of websites. I love sharing my knowledge about website performance optimization, loading time & development for and with WordPress, by speaking at WordCamps in France and Canada.

What’s been your best experience with WordPress?

It is thanks to WordPress that I have been able to become a freelance developer, meet a lot of people, and then thanks to that, become part of a team creating great products for the WordPress ecosystem.

Tell us a bit about your WordCamp Halifax talk.

A lot of our customers are worried about their Google PageSpeed Insights grade, thinking that they need to achieve a 100/100 grade to have a fast website and rank well on search engines. My talk will debunk some myths around this measuring tool, and also review each of the different PageSpeed recommendations, to explain what they mean, how impactful they are, and how difficult it is to follow them.

What’s your favourite thing about WordCamps, or if your first one… what are you looking forward to?

I really enjoy meeting new people at the WordCamps, sharing our experiences with WordPress, learn what everyone do with it, talk about development, business, and mostly have fun!

Let’s get philosophical… what are you most proud of?

I’m proud that my wife and I are able to live the life we want without much worries, having daily fun and enjoying Canada since we moved here 2 and a half years ago, surrounded by our kids with paws (hit me up if you’re a Corgi lover too!).

Session Details

A website’s loading time is very important, but measurement tools are often misleading. In this talk, I want to debunk some myths around PageSpeed, by explaining why the grade system doesn’t matter, which recommendations to follow, and how to apply them on a WordPress website to really optimize its loading time.