Speaker Spotlight – Tim Covell

Tim is a technical writer by day, and a freelance writer and editor/web consultant/film studies academic by night. He built his first website, using Notepad, in 1997, after deciding there was room on the internet for one more site. He looks after several WordPress sites, both .com and .org, and assists individuals and small organizations maintain and update their sites.Tim is a writer and editor/web consultant/film studies academic. He built his first website, using Notepad, in 1997, after deciding there was room on the internet for one more site. He looks after several WordPress sites, both .com and .org, and assists individuals and small organizations maintain and update their sites.

What’s been your best experience with WordPress?

Seeing other folks “get it” and start doing their own posts.

Tell us a bit about your WordCamp Halifax talk.

If choosing between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is hard, either will work for you. And you can always switch.

What’s your favourite thing about WordCamps, or if your first one… what are you looking forward to?

First one. Looking forward to picking up some new tricks.

Let’s get philosophical… what are you most proud of?

My kids…and some publications.

Session Details

A comparison of WordPress.com hosting versus self-hosting with WordPress.org. What’s the difference? And how does your choice affect costs, security, content restrictions, maintenance work, promotion, available features, available themes, plug-ins, using your own domain name, advertising and selling on your site, and so on? What about multi-sites? And if I use WordPress.org, why should I care about WordPress.com?