Ifo Ikede

Ifo Ikede

Ifo Ikede, is Isoko, from the Niger-Delta region of the west coast of Africa. They are in the launch phase of a social media and marketing company, which will focus on helping non-profits and businesses to better market to clients from non-English and non-French cultural background.

Their experience as an immigrant to Canada, as well as active participation in settlement for both immigrant and refugee groups as well as their involvement in first nations and African-Canadian integration issues puts Ifo in a unique position to be able to provide insights from lived experience as well as the thousands of years of wisdom from the ancestors, to create healthy and healing communities.
Ifo is addicted to drumming and dancing, often dancing 3 to 5 times a week, is a competitive soccer player and martial artists… and like many African grandmas loves to cook and share yummy treats…


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