Track Announcement

We are excited to announce our schedule for WordCamp Halifax 2019. We have a few new speakers with topics that range from social media distribution, membership websites to cryptocurrency—and everything in between.

We have kept the tracks of learning we’ve used for the last couple of years, so this breakdown should look a little familiar:

We have three tracks of learning:

  • Content Creators: Easiest sessions. Little prior WordPress experience is expected. Casual users, business owners, bloggers, etc.
  • Site Creators: Some prior WordPress experience would be beneficial for these sessions, but is not required. Small amounts of HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript might be presented in some talks. Loads about using your WordPress website.
  • Code Creators: Advanced WordPress concepts, HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript will be presented.

You asked for a longer afterparty and we listened! We are wrapping up a little earlier this year and have moved up the afterparty—sponsored by Resulta—to start around 5 pm to give you more time to socialize after the event.

For a full look at the schedule, you’ll find it right here

Looking forward to seeing everyone on September 7th!