4 Secrets About Panels That I Learned at WordCamp Halifax 2017



One of my favourite moments of WordCamp Halifax 2017 was the panel. Now, I might be a little biased because I was on that panel and I made a great location based joke and got a good laugh, but I wanted to take the time today to share why I think people should attend (and where possibly sit on) panels at conferences like WordCamp Halifax.

The Panelists Learn As Much As You

Some people are nervous to sit on a panel because they think, “well this panel is probably full of the smartest people who’ve ever pressed word in their whole life and I’ll seem way out of place”. If you’re wondering, that’s what MOST panelists feel like. Last year, my favourite part of sitting on the panel was actually getting to hear the answers that were NOTHING like my answers. These differing perspective, shared in a constructive and supportive way, have actually helped guide the last year of my work in many ways.

Secret: Panelists don’t know everything. That’s not what a panel is about. It’s about the different perspective.

Everyone Is Awesome

And unique.

Another great thing about sitting on last year’s panel was that despite the fact that all of us did (basically) the same thing, we all did it so differently. A panel isn’t a place to sit down and listen to the ONLY way to do things. Rather, it’s an opportunity to see how people solve problems…and sometimes how they don’t.

Secret: Sometimes learning that people actually DIDN’T figure something out and they’re still struggling with it can make you feel a lot better about life.


We’re All In The Same Totally Awesome Boat

Sometimes, as a small business owner, you feel like it’s you against the world. You are a lone wolf, hunting by yourself and no one understands what it’s like to be you. Well, that’s half true.

While no one knows EXACTLY what you’re going through, you are not the first person to;

  • not win a client with a proposal you thought was great
  • end up working on a project you hated
  • fall madly in love with a side project so much so that it consumed your soul
  • worry that you were never going to make it

Secret: Life is hard and no one has it figured out, even if it looks like they do on Twitter and Instagram.


Sometimes You Need To Switch It Up

Conferences, even the best ones, can be long days of sitting in rooms and mostly listening to one person talk about one thing. Panels are a fantastic way to spice up your life, your day and your workflow.

Getting to sit in a room with these different and interesting perspectives about WordPress can really help start your afternoon off on the right foot…assuming that the panel is right after lunch which, this year, it is.

Secret: Panels are super fun.


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